Room Changes

Room Change Information:

  • The room change process is designed to allow students some control over their living situation. The first priority in all living situations, however, is to work with students to affect change in their current room and community. Room changes are time consuming for everyone and should be a last option. Any room change impacts many people, including the community of the hall from which the person is leaving and the community the person is joining.
  • Room changes are limited to certain periods each semester. They may be initiated at or after the following periods of the semester:
    • September 15 until the end of November.
    • Beginning the Friday of the first full week of spring semester until the end of the spring semester.
    • Students will be charged a fee for every room change request they submit.
  • If your roommate moves out, expect another roommate to be assigned by the Housing Office at some point during the academic year.  We have international students arriving mid semester, every semester.  In addition, other continuing GU students are also looking to move to vacancies.  Your responsibility is to keep the vacant side of your room clear and ready for occupancy, including closet, drawers, desk, and bed.  You will be charged a fee for the labor of moving your belongings to your side of the room if you have not already done so and a new incoming student checks in.


Room Change Procedure:

  1. Log into ZagLiving and click Forms at the top of the page.
  2. Fill out the Room Change Request form.
  3. RDs will review room change requests and approve or deny them. Students can return to their room change form to check the status of their request. Room change options will not be available from the Housing Office until your RD approves your request.
  4. The Housing Office processes room change requests in the order they are submitted. Room changes can take up to 30 days to be completed.
  5. Students will receive an email when room change option(s) are available on their room change form. The room(s) listed will depend on what is available that meets the student request. This request will also include the name of the student living in the new space.
  6. Once the student confirms on the form the room they wish to move to, they will be emailed that their key is ready for pick up at the Housing Office. Students will have 48 hours to move to the new room and return their old room key.


You can watch an overview of the Room Change process here