Policy Summary
Interlibrary loan lending policies for libraries, archives, museums, and government agencies.Resource Sharing Networks
The Foley Library participates in reciprocal borrowing with the following resource sharing networks:
- Orbis Cascade Alliance
- LVIS, ARIELVIS (Libraries Very Interested In Sharing)
- AJCU (Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities)
- CRRA (Catholic Research Resources Alliance)
- RapidILL
Libraries interested in reciprocal borrowing should contact us at 509-313-3824 or ILL@gonzaga.edu.
Other Libraries and Organizations
The Foley Library lends materials to all domestic and international libraries.
- Costs: Our loan or photocopy fee is $20 flat rate.
- Billing: We accept IFM billing only.
Lending Guidelines
We will lend- Most General Collection items, including dissertations
- Oversize materials if condition of items permits
- Circulating Government Documents
- Most visual materials (DVD, VHS)
- Multi-volume works (may restrict total number of volumes loaned at any given time)
- Reference or other non-circulating materials
- Donated textbook collection
- Materials on reserve
- Popular Collection Books
- Print journal volumes or issues
- Microforms
- University Archives and Special Collections materials (exceptions may be granted by UASC librarians)
- Articles from print periodicals
- A single chapter of a book
- Articles that can be scanned from the University Archives & Special Collections department, if condition of item permits
- Articles from electronic databases, if license permits
- Articles on microfilm/fiche (note: we cannot physically lend microforms)
- We deliver articles via Odyssey, Article Exchange, email, or USPS.
- In excess of 35 pages at a time (except by special request, as staff time permits)
- An amount of a work that exceeds Fair Use.
- Items that would be damaged by the scanning process
Lost or Damaged Items
Lost or damaged items will be charged a $90 replacement fee ($75 replacement + $15 processing fee). Replacement fees are non-refundable.