Degree Evaluation

Welcome to Gonzaga University's destination for degree information for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students. Our office assists students who have formally submitted the application to graduate and those who have inquiries regarding degree requirements. We encourage you to contact us if you have questions regarding academic requirements or your diploma.

Degree Evaluations

You may run a degree evaluation through Zagweb at any time to view the courses you still need to complete. This compares all your Gonzaga courses and any applicable transfer work you have completed against the requirements set forth by your catalog year. We suggest running a new degree evaluation before and after making any changes in your registration for a better understanding of the impact the changes have on your degree progress. Utilize the Registrar Forms if you need to make changes to your record. All deficiencies must be resolved before a degree can be granted.

Applying to Graduate

All students who anticipate the completion of their degree or certificate requirements must apply to graduate. Your application to graduate allows for your degree to be conferred, and your diploma to be mailed. The application is located within the Student Profile page in Zagweb. Instructions on the process may be found here: Apply to Graduate.

Helpful tips:

  • It is recommended for undergraduate students to apply during their junior year.
  • Do not proceed with the application if any of your majors, minors, and/or applicable concentrations are not accurately displayed in your curriculum selection. To make changes, please complete the Declaration of Major/Minor/Concentration form.
  • Apply for the term in which you will be completing your degree requirements: March, May, June (summer I), August (full summer and summer II), October, or December. Please note, your degree date may not necessarily be in the same term as the graduation commencement ceremony, yet you will still be eligible to participate. If you have questions about your completion time frame, please contact your advisor.
  • The graduation application fee is $75.00. Applications submitted after the posted deadlines are subject to an additional $25.00 late fee. Fees are assessed to your Student Account upon application processing.

Your completed application can be reviewed in the Student Profile page in Zagweb, next to ‘Graduation Applications’. If you need to make any changes to your degree information or degree date, please contact our office, including your ZagID number. The Office of Degree will assess all the majors, minors, and applicable concentrations declared through your application. Per University policy, changes will not be made to a student’s record after the degree has been posted.

Graduation and Yearly Commencement Ceremony

Graduation from the University is the completion of your degree requirements resulting in a diploma, while the commencement ceremony is our celebration and acknowledgement of your academic achievement, held once a year in May. Students expected to complete their degree requirements in a given calendar year are invited to participate in the commencement ceremony of that calendar year.

Participation in the ceremony is not mandatory to receive your diploma, however, whether you plan to attend or not, you must apply to graduate for your degree to be conferred. For all commencement ceremony information, visit our Gonzaga commencement website.

Diploma Mailing

A complimentary copy of your diploma will be sent to your permanent mailing address approximately six weeks after the last day of classes for the term in which your degree is granted. Additional diplomas may be ordered at the Duplicate Diploma Request page for a fee of $30.00 each. Diplomas feature your name, degree title, and applicable honors (undergraduate only).

To avoid unnecessary delays in the mailing of your diploma, you may update your permanent address in Zagweb, email, call, or stop by College Hall 229 prior to leaving campus. Per University policy, financial holds must be cleared before your diploma may be released to you, please contact Student Accounts for assistance.

A diploma reflects the name in which your records are recorded in the Registrar’s Office. If you wish to use an alternate name, a name change must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. You will need to provide a social security card and government issued picture identification reflecting this new name, along with a completed form, before a name change is processed. Utilize the Registrar Forms if you need to make changes to your record.

Resume Preparation and Reflecting Degree Information

Potential employers may opt to verify academic information that appears on resumes and employment applications. As a prospective graduate of Gonzaga University, be aware that anyone can verify your directory information, including dates of attendance, majors, and degrees granted by contacting the Office of the Registrar. This information is open to the public for verification even after your enrollment at Gonzaga ends.

It is imperative that you accurately reflect your degree, majors, and dates of attendance on your resume and on job or graduate school applications. Indicate the expected completion date, e.g. “Degree Expected, May 2029”, until you receive notice from the Academic Degree Evaluation office that your degree has been granted and received a transcript with the degree posted. Your awarded degree will also be reflected on your student record in Zagweb.


If you have any remaining questions or need further assistance, please contact the Degree Evaluation office at call us at (509) 313-6593 or (509) 313-3543, or visit us in the Office of the Registrar - College Hall room 229.

A program and rose in a chair at the 2017 Commencement ceremony