Safety Escort Services


The safety escort service is designed to provide a measure of safety for those who are fearful of walking alone between points on and around campus, or for individuals with injuries or ambulatory conditions that prevent safe passage on and around campus.

When calling to request a safety escort, the dispatcher will inquire about the specific reason for your request to determine your eligibility for the service.

Escort Options:

  • Safety escorts can be provided either as a walking escort or by vehicle, at the discretion of the Security Officer.
  • Limitations:
    • Campus Security and Public Safety lacks the personnel and resources to perform scheduled transports or handle regularly recurring transportation requests.
    • The maximum number of passengers is determined by the number of seatbelts in the rear passenger section. Passengers are not permitted to ride in the front seat (workspace) of the patrol vehicle.
    • The safety escort service is NOT intended as an alternative means of transportation around campus. It is not meant to meet routine transportation needs or serve as a ride program for inclement weather. Misuse of the safety escort service detracts from Campus Security and Public Safety’s ability to perform regular patrols, ensure campus safety, and prevent criminal activity.


  • The safety escort will not transport individuals to the following off-campus locations: places of employment, airports, bus terminals, medical appointments, restaurants, drinking establishments, etc.
  • The safety escort will not provide transportation for individuals or groups displaying disruptive behavior before or during an escort. Any inappropriate behavior will result in the loss of escort privileges.
  • No pets or animals are allowed, except for personal aid/service animals, and notice must be given at the time of the request.