The University maintains a number of courtesy phones throughout the campus. These phones are programmed to call University Security and the switchboard.
The Security department maintains a number of exterior "blue light" phones. These phones have a direct dial connection to the Campus Security dispatcher and can be used to request an officer response or report an incident. The phones are easily recognizable. They are mounted on an eight foot stanchion which is painted a light color. A highly visible blue light at the top of the stanchion is illuminated after dark. The phones are easy to use. Simply open the door to the phone box and push the red button. There is no handset. You will be connected directly to the Security dispatcher. The location of the phone is automatically displayed to the dispatcher. Blue light phones are located in the following areas:
- Boone and Cincinnati lot
- Music Annex Lot
- Corkery Apartments
- Desmet Circle near Campion
- Dakota and Desmet streets near Campus House
- GU Riverwalk near Lake Arthur
- Hughes southeast corner exterior
- Jundt northeast corner exterior
- Martin Centre lot
- Rebmann southeast corner exterior
- St. Aloysius church south side exterior
- Dakota and Sharp Streets near Health Center
- Hamilton field near Catherine Monica
- Law School lot
- Schoenberg lot
- Foley library south side exterior
- Welch Security office entrance
- Administration building north lot
- South Trent Lot
If you have questions or concerns regarding blue light phones, please call ext. 2222.