You can apply for a Living Learning Community after submitting a Housing Application on ZagLiving! The application allows students to preference up to 3 LLCs to join. Zags will be provided with one question to explain why they are interested in joining each of the communities they have preferenced. If a student is applying to the Honors LLC they will be to verify they are a part of the Honors Program. If a student is applying to an LLC centered around a specific identity, they will also be provided with a question to verify they hold identities that align with the identity-based LLC. Apply on your ZagLiving portal!
  • 1st Year LLC Applicants

  • Incoming Zags are very strongly encouraged to apply soon as they submit their Housing Application through ZagLiving. Applying sooner increases a student's likelihood of being offered their 1st or 2nd choice community. There are limited amount of beds in each community and beds might go quickly as applications open. Application open on March 10th. Applications stop being accepted May 1st.

  • 2nd Year LLC Applicants 

  • Current 1st Year Zags that will be raising 2nd Years are very strongly encouraged to apply soon as they submit their Housing Application through ZagLiving. Applying sooner increases a student's likelihood of being offered their 1st or 2nd choice community. 2nd Year LLCs are hosted in Kennedy Apartments and our apartment spaces quickly fill as applications open. Application open on January 15th. Applications stop being accepted January 31st.

Living Learning Community residents are chosen based on the quality of their LLC application as well as when they apply. The Living Learning Community Program has a limited number of bed spaces in each community before a community fills. The sooner a Zag applies, the more likely they are to be admitted into their top community choices! The LLC Selection Committee cannot see any materials you submitted to the Office of Admission for admission to Gonzaga UniversityWe strongly encourage applicants to be thoughtful and intentional when filling out their LLC Application as Zags are applying against other competing applications for a limited number of premiere spots.
Students who applied for any variety of  Living Learning Communities will hear back on a rolling basis based on when they applied. Students will hear back within 15 business days after submitting an application. Applicants will be notified if they have been accepted, waitlisted, or declined based on application quality, when the application was received, and if bed spaces remain in the preferred communities.

1st Years LLC Applicants

  • Your LLC Offer Email will list what community you have been offered and will provide a timeline to accept of decline that community. You can accept the community offer, waitlist for other LLCs that you prefer, or decline the offer all together. Students must reply by the deadline in the LLC Offer Email, if the deadline has passed then the student will be waitlisted for their community. Checking your email regularly after submitting a Living Learning Community Application is strongly advised.

2nd Years LLC Applicants

  • Once you apply to a 2nd year LLC there is not further steps you need to take. The LLC application review committee will read over your application responses and communicate a decision within 5 business days. You will either receive an acceptance, waitlist, or decline. If you are accepted into a 2nd year LLC then you are locked into the designated Kennedy bed spaces for 2nd Year LLCs.
The Living Learning Community Program at Gonzaga provides students with exciting housing options where students can live among students with similar interests, majors, identities, and more! The Living Learning Community Program offers an intentionally stronger community experience through additional engaging events around community theme, additional community leaders for students to connect with, mentorship connections with faculty in related programs, and connections with your neighbors and floor-mates on day one within your LLCs theme!
  • LLC residents are able to select their roommate. Please note that you will only be able to select a roommate from those who have also been accepted to an LLC in/on the same floor as your LLC. The buildings and floor parings are as follows:

  • Coughlin Hall 2nd Floor: Cura Personalis, Learns to Lead, People For and With Others

  • Coughlin Hall 3rd Floor: STEM, Honors

  • Coughlin Hall 4th Floor: Community for Creative Expression, Business, Health Professions

  • Coughlin Hall 5th Floor: Students of Colors, I-House (International House), First in the Family

  • Lincoln Hall 1st Floor: Lavender House

  • Lincoln Hall 2nd Floor: Women’s Empowerment & Gender Equity

  • Marian Hall 1st Floor: Outdoor Pursuits

  • Kennedy Apartments (2nd Year LLCs only): Transfer Year Experience, Community for Creative Expression, Business, STEM, and Honors.

  •  When a bed space opens in a specific community, we work down a waitlist to offer out that bed-space to those who have indicated they would prefer to be in that Living Learning Community. Checking your email regularly is strongly advised. Students can only waitlist for communities they applied for in the Living Learning Community Application. Applying early increases a students odds for not being waitlisted.

No. Once you have accepted an LLC offer you agree to join that LLC community. This commitment supersedes all other building and roommate preferences. Residents are allowed to switch rooms and leave or switch a LLC if they no longer want to reside in that community once Room Change Period opens during the Fall and Spring semesters of the academic year.
No!  There is no cost to apply or be a resident in an LLC! The LLC program is at no additional cost outside of the cost of the room.
Yes. All LLCs are opt-in. If you have been accepted into the Honors Program you still must apply to join the Honors LLC in order to be eligible for approval for that community.