Women Lead Speaker

Conferences and Events

Women Lead Conferences

Women Lead conferences are an opportunity to attend workshops, hear from thought-provoking speakers, and build your network. Designed to educate and empower, conferences are offered in a variety of industries, modalities, and specialty areas, with sizes to fit all preferences.

November 6, 2024
Thank you for attending the Women Lead Fall Luncheon, "The New Heroes in the C-Suite: Female Leaders in Human Resources". Big thanks to our speakers, Dayna Eberhardt, Brooke Sullivan, and Andy Schneider. 



March 12, 2025
Our signature event, featuring inspiring speakers, skill-building workshops, and plenty of space for networking. The largest of our conferences, this all-day event is your opportunity to attend two workshops, hear from keynote speakers, grow your community, and receive a complimentary headshot. Our 2025 event will be our tenth Women Lead conference and we are looking forward to celebrating this milestone!


November 6, 2024
Our signature fall event, featuring inspiring speakers in a panel discussion format, and plenty of space for networking. This annual event is your opportunity to join other Spokane professionals to hear from three female leaders in some of Washington state's most beloved brands: Alaska Airlines, Mod Pizza, and the Seattle Mariners. Secure your tickets now!


Women Lead Events

 Women Lead events range from book clubs to movie screenings, and are a chance to engage with topics related to women in the workplace. Discussion of real-world issues that influence culture and societal norms that impact our communities is a opportunity in these spaces.

Facilitated conversations that invite the Women Lead community to think critically around a specific book and its subject matter.

The next book club will begin on April 17, 2025 and run through May 22, 2025. The group meets weekly via Zoom for a lively facilitated discussion of the book. This spring's book pick is Likeable Bad Ass by Alison Fragale, Ph.D.

Cost: Free and open to all!

These intimate circles, with 8-10 participants, allow interested parties to continue the conversations around gender parity, women’s empowerment, and communication in the workplace. Each session lasts approximately 8 weeks and allows women to form connections and build their community of support and allyship outside of the workplace.