Dr. Pat Ferro Fund


Dr. Pat Ferro was a popular research advisor, mentoring in manufacturing and materials science. SEAS faculty would like to create a research fund in his honor.

Dr. Ferro joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at Gonzaga in 2009. He was universally loved by students as an engaging and gifted instructor.

He had a long and distinguished research career, both in industry and in academia. He was a licensed PE in three states and a Certified Manufacturing Engineer.

His primary research was testing hydrogen embrittlement of alloys. Dr. Ferro consistently mentored undergraduate students in his hydrogen laboratory year-round. He was gifted at recruiting and exciting students about research & sustainability. He kept in touch with former students, and it was common to find alumni in his office talking about life, the environment and manufacturing.

Pat had an unwavering and authentic optimism for life – he had a positive influence on all who crossed paths with him and truly embodied Gonzaga’s Mission. Pat was awarded Emeritus Faculty status in May and retired at the end of the spring 2024 semester. Tragically, he passed away from brain cancer on July 22nd, 2024.

As part of GRO-MECS, the Pat Ferro Fund will support Gonzaga student stipends in the areas of materials and mechanical engineering. Those wishing to donate to the Dr. Ferro Fund may do so through the GRO-MECS campaign.

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