Bollier Center


tribology research

The Gonzaga Research Opportunities in Math, Engineering and Computer Science (GRO-MECS) program is our newest initiative to ignite greater student interest in STEM fields while providing impactful experiential learning opportunities.

During summer 2025, GRO-MECS will fund 10 student stipends for 8- to 10-week research positions with four Gonzaga faculty awardees. Two additional students will be funded through a SEED Challenge award.

At Gonzaga, all engineering & computer science majors engage in a Senior Design capstone project during their fourth year. GRO-MECS allows more students to gain valuable research experience before their senior year.

Faculty-led research provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to actively contribute to the creation of new knowledge. Through immersive, hands-on projects, students gain valuable experience, witness the real-world impact of their work, and deepen their understanding of complex concepts. This dynamic process enhances their critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, preparing them for future success.

Projects Receiving GRO-MECS Funds


Dr. Kate Kearney - Mosaic Knot Theory

student with equipment

Dr. Harman Khare - Additive Manufacturing of Tribological Polymer Composites


Dr. Anbara Lutfullaeva - Improving the performance of hydrodynamic tilting-pad thrust bearings in hydropower plants

Students assembling a manual wheelchair

Dr. Brandon Sargent - Attachable Suspension System for Manual Wheelchairs

Students assembling a manual wheelchair

Dr. Kyle Shimabuku - Safeguarding Drinking Water from Wildfire Impacts

More About GRO-MECS

Johnson at white board

Full Circle: From Gonzaga Student to Faculty Mentor

Meet Dr. Luke Johnson, whose journey through faculty-led research brought him back to his alma mater.

Water Testing

Faculty-Led Research Projects

See highlights of research projects underway in engineering, computer science and math.

tension test

SEED Cultivates Research

GRO-MECS increases existing research funding, such as the Seubert Engineering Entrepreneurial Design (SEED)

Pat Ferro

Dr. Pat Ferro Fund

The Fund in honor of Professor Ferro will support GRO-MECS student stipends in the areas of materials and mechanical engineering.

Why Undergraduate Research?

Lexi Durbin in lab

Lexi Durbin

Mechanical Engineering, '25

"My summer research, without a doubt, prepared me to work independently to complete tasks thoroughly and efficiently I've gained a magnitude of knowledge in just the year I have been working in the lab."


Nicole Zipp (nee Stanton)

Civil Engineering, '22

Saying "yes" to research experiences led Nicole to her career in environmental engineering.


Jackson Swets

Mechanical Engineering, '25

"Employers want you to be able to communicate your ideas and engineering concepts. Getting that engineering research experience at Gonzaga has been so valuable!"