David H. Calhoun, Ph.D.
- Professor of Philosophy
- (509) 313-6743
- calhoun@gonzaga.edu
Richard J. Callahan, Jr., Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Religious Studies
- (509) 313-6770
- callahan@gonzaga.edu
Richard Cangelosi, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Mathematics
- (509) 313-3919
- cangelosi@gonzaga.edu
Annmarie Caño, Ph.D.
- Professor of Psychology
- (509) 313-5658
- cano@gonzaga.edu
Kevin Chambers, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of History
- (509) 313-3690
- chambersk@gonzaga.edu
Gary Chang, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Biology
- (509) 313-6637
- chang@gonzaga.edu
Gloria (I-Ling) Chien, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Religious Studies
- (509) 313-6780
- chien@gonzaga.edu
Jay Ciaffa, Ph.D.
- Professor and Department of Philosophy Co-Chair
- (509) 313-3956
- ciaffa@gonzaga.edu
Ann M. Ciasullo, Ph.D.
- Core Director, Professor of English and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
- (509) 313-5955
- ciasullo@gonzaga.edu
Fr. Timothy Clancy
- Associate Professor of Philosophy
- (509) 313-6701
- clancy@gonzaga.edu
Emily Clark, Ph.D.
- Professor of Religious Studies
- (509) 313-6781
- clarke2@gonzaga.edu
David Cleary, Ph.D.
- Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
- (509) 313-6631
- cleary@gonzaga.edu
Melissa A. Click, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor & Department Chair of Communication Studies
- (509) 313-5974
- click@gonzaga.edu
John Collett, M.S.
- Assistant Professor of Integrated Media, Director of Broadcasting
- (509) 313-3623
- collett@gonzaga.edu
Gregory Collinge, Ph.D.
- Lecturer of Chemistry & Biochemistry
- (509) 313-4239
- collinge@gonzaga.edu
Brian Cooney, Ph.D.
- Professor of English
- (509) 313-6680
- cooney@gonzaga.edu
Vesta Coufal, Ph.D.
- Professor of Mathematics
- (509) 313-5508
- coufal@gonzaga.edu
Heather Crandall, Ph.D.
- Professor of Communication Studies
- (509) 313-6491
- crandallm@gonzaga.edu
Shannen Cravens, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
- (509) 313-5839
- cravens@gonzaga.edu
Carolyn M. Cunningham, Ph.D.
- Professor and Chair, Communication & Leadership Studies
- (509) 313-3819
- cunninghamc@gonzaga.edu
Eric P. Cunningham, Ph.D.
- Professor of History
- (509) 313-5973
- cunningham@gonzaga.edu