Travel Grants

The Center for Teaching and Advising has funds to support faculty travel to conferences or workshops that support teaching and advising. Funds are available for full-time faculty of any rank and in any discipline. Non-faculty with significant teaching and/or curriculum development roles are also eligible. Applicants need not be presenting at the conference to qualify for funding, but they should be able to explain clearly how attending will help them address a specific teaching or advising challenge, or improve a specific course, curriculum, or practice. Funds can be used to cover (or partially cover) registration fees, travel costs, lodging, and per-diem.

The CTA travel grant program is intended to make available opportunities that are not necessarily eligible for funding from other sources, but the amount of money is limited and we try to support as many applicants as possible. Therefore, we ask that applicants seek support first from other sources such as deans, departments, and the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs, before applying to the CTA. Applications that propose to combine CTA funding with that from other sources are encouraged. 

For more information and how to apply please visit myGU and search for "Travel Grants"