
Opportunities for Everyone

The CTA endeavors to provide programs that fall along a “continuum of investment”--the amount of time and energy that a program requires from its participants.

On the low end of the investment scale are informal events like “lunch and learn” brown-bag sessions or one-time workshops; drop in, join the conversation, and maybe take away some ideas or inspirations for later.

Intermediate-level events include workshop series with multiple sessions on a theme, reading groups that meet several times to discuss a book, or CTA-funded travel to a conference or workshop. These provide time for deeper discussion and a greater chance to get to know colleagues with common interests.

At the high end of the investment scale are faculty learning communities. These meet as a cohort multiple times throughout the year in a process of collaborative inquiry. There is usually reading and writing that happens outside of these sessions, and often the goal is the production of a final product, such as a publishable manuscript, a new course design, or a pedagogical innovation. Faculty learning communities are an opportunity for rich, collaborative work that can transform one's views and approaches to teaching and advising.

We offer a variety of programs throughout the year, and topics and formats vary from year to year. See the links on the right for more information on some of the standing programs. Details about these and other opportunities are distributed throughout the year via e-mail and the Morning Mail newsletter.