A respondent or student group participating in a student conduct resolution process is entitled to the procedural rights and protections listed in this section.
A Complainant participating in a student conduct resolution process related to alleged violations of gender-based harassment, gender-based discrimination, sexual misconduct, or alleged crimes of violence is entitled to the procedural rights and protections listed in this section.
i. Receive advance written notice of the date, time, and location of a student conduct resolution process or other meeting
ii. Receive written notice of the allegation(s) the basis for the charge, including the date or time frame and the location in which the misconduct is alleged to have occurred
iii. Notified of the names of the conduct officers
iv. The opportunity to review any and all documentation and/or information which might be used during the student conduct resolution process as permitted by FERPA and any other applicable privacy laws
v. The opportunity to be heard and present written documentation, witnesses, and/or other information
vi. Have access to a trained University staff member who is available to provide general information about the student conduct resolution processes and procedures
vii. The opportunity to have an advisor of their choice present during any state of the student conduct resolution process
viii. Written notice of the findings and outcomes, if any, as permitted by FERPA and other applicable privacy laws
ix. The opportunity to have the findings and/or outcomes, if any, reviewed through the appropriate appeals process
Last updated: 8/22/23