Student learning assessment is a cyclical process:
1. Identify/ Revisit Program Goals/ Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
- Determine what students should and be able to do because of a program or service.
- WATCH the 7 minute Video Explaining Step One
2. Design Programs and Services to meet these goals and SLOs.
- These are your offices' resources, events (both active and passive)
3. Identify the best assessment method.
- WATCH the 9 minute Video Explaining Step Three.
- Introduction to Qualitative Assessment
- Intermediate Qualitative Assessment
- Introduction to Quantitative Assessment
4. Implement the Programs and Services.
5. Collect and Analyze the Data
6. Tell your story!
- This includes outcomes and any changes you plan to implement
- Reporting Methods
- Data Visualization PowerPoint from ACPA
- Storytelling can make positive change PowerPoint from ACPA
- Gonzaga Color Palette
- Types of Charts and Graphs
- Sharing your Data
- Sharing data to stakeholders