Welcome to the Gonzaga Housing & Residence Life Residence Director recruitment website! We are excited to hear you are interested in our position!

Gonzaga Housing & Residence Life Professional Staff 2024-2025
Current Residence Director Vacancies
Residence Director for Coughlin Block
- Residence Hall(s) of Oversight: Coughlin Hall
Coughlin Hall is approximately 300 bed mixed-gender traditional community style hall serving first years.
Coughlin serves as Gonzaga’s hub for a majority of its first year Living Learning Communities.
Support LLC staff & campus partners to implement 11 LLCs including brand new Affinity Living Communities
This is an immediate opening.
Supervise 7 RA’s & 1 Senior RA. support 3 specialty student staff positions including 1 RHA representative
Furnished 1-bedroom apartment with partner & pet policy
Residence Director for Kennedy Block
- Residence Hall(s) of Oversight: Kennedy Hall
Kennedy Hall is approximately 600 mixed-gender beds in an apartment style hall serving both Sophomores and upper division students (Juniors & Seniors) .
Kennedy serves as Gonzaga’s hub for a majority of its second year Living Learning Communities.
Support LLC staff & campus partners to implement 5 LLCs including assistance with bringing new LLCs on in future years.
Position start date is set for July 1st, 2025.
Supervise 11 RA’s & 1 Senior RA. support 1 RHA representative
Furnished 1-bedroom apartment with partner & pet policy
Residence Director for Central Block
- Residence Hall(s) of Oversight: DeSmet Hall, Dooley Hall, Cushing Hall
DeSmet Hall is approximately 130 all mall beds in a traditional community style hall serving first years.
Dooley Hall is approximately 275 mixed-gender beds in a suite style hall serving sophomores.
Cushing Hall is approximately 275 mix-ed gender beds in a suite style hall serving sophomores.
- Position start date is set for July 1st, 2025.
Supervise 8 RA’s & 1 Senior RA. support 2 specialty student staff positions including 1 RHA representative
Furnished 2-bedroom apartment with partner & pet policy