There are 5 Different Types of Assets
Associations, Physical Spaces, Institutions, Individuals, and the Local Economy.
Data on 1321 inventory items are presented below in the form of an interactive map and a table. These include 78 Associations, 19 Individuals, 175 Institutions, 780 assets from the Local Economy, and 269 Physical Spaces, which include 7 proposed or existing bike routes.
Interactivity in Map
- Markers and Routes can be clicked to get more information about them.
- Different assets are clustered based on proximity. The numbers on the circle indicate the number of assets that are present in that region.
- Zooming in and out of the map is possible by either using the + or - buttons on the top left or the mouse scroll wheel or by clicking on the cluster of inventory items (small circles).
- Top-right menu provides options for using a more grey-scaled map and deciding whether to show potential or existing bike-routes.
- Center of the map can be moved by holding the map using the left mouse button and moving to the desired location.
Interactivity in Table
- The table panel can be moved on the screen by holding it using the left mouse button.
- The table can be searched by column and through the global search option on the top right of the panel.
- Search results of the table are automatically displayed on the map
- Clicking a row of the table displays that particular asset on the map. Re-clicking the row resets the map