Aerial view of St. Als and the Spokane River

Leadership Symposium

Decorative image. School of Leadership Studies Leadership Symposium 

Inviting Leadership: Dialogue & Inclusion

February 28 - March 1, 2025  |  On Campus

The Leadership Symposium aims to explore emerging questions, research, service and projects engaging students, alumni and partners of Gonzaga University's School of Leadership Studies. The goal is to not only stimulate dialogue and critical reflection from multiple perspectives, but also to highlight the projects and research currently alive within our programs and the greater field of leadership studies.

The Leadership Symposium is open to all students at Gonzaga University, including undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students, as well as alumni and leadership scholars or practitioners from various programs and levels. 

Registration for the 2025 Leadership Symposium is closed 

View the Call for Proposals

Event Schedule

(subject to change)

Wednesday, February 26th (conference pre-session)

6:00 pm: Leadership Fishbowl with Becky Calder 

Friday, February 28th

3:00 pm: Check In & Networking
3:30 pm: Session #1
4:30 pm: Undergraduate Poster Presentations
5:30 pm: Networking social
6:00 pm: Keynote Panel - "Inviting Leadership: Reflections from Higher Ed"
Panel Moderator: JoAnn Danelo Barbour, Ph.D.
Panelists: Salena Beaumont Hill, Ph.D., Ayaka Dohi, M.A., Michael R. Carey, Ph.D.,
Carolyn Cunningham, Ph.D. 

Saturday, March 1st

8:15 am: Morning Meditation
8:30 am: Opening & Light Breakfast
8:45 am: Session #2
9:45 am: break
10:00 am: Session #3
11:00 am: break
11:15 am: Viewing - "Carla the Rescuer" with introduction by Kristine Hoover, Ed.D. and Clement Lye
12:45 pm: break
1:00 pm: Keynote Panel "The Practice of Inviting Leadership"
Panel Moderator: Josh Armstrong, Ph.D.
Panelists: Jer Swiggart, Leah Simeon, Andre Wicke
2:00 pm: break
2:15 pm: Session #4
3:30 pm: Conference End 

Leadership Symposium Planning Committee

Josh Armstrong | Organizational Leadership & Comprehensive Leadership Program:

Salena Beaumont Hill | Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies:

JoAnn Danelo Barbour | Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies:

Roisin Lally | Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies:

Sherri Lynch | Assistant Dean, School of Leadership Studies:

Trinity Spencer | Program & Project Specialist:

Victoria Nann | Doctoral Student:

Have a question about the Symposium?

Send a message
MSC 2616
502 E. Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99258