Skip Sub Navigation Spokane Neighborhood Leadership Academy Section Menu Spokane Neighborhood Leadership Academy SNLA Application Now accepting applications for the 2025 cohort! Please contact Cyndi Donahue at with inquiries. Do Not Edit: Do Not Edit: Do Not Edit: Don't Edit This Field: * = Required Fields First Name: * Last Name: * Residential Address: * Mailing Address (if different): Neighborhood (if known): Preferred Email Address: * Best Phone Number: * Dietary Restrictions: What is your date of birth? Prefer not to respond What is your gender? * select... Male Female Non-binary Transgender Prefer not to respond What is your ethnicity? * select... American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black/African American Native Hawaiian/Other Pacifica Islander Hispanic White Other Prefer not to respond Please tell the selection committee about yourself. What would you like us to know? (200 words or less) * Word Count: 0 How long have you been a resident of your neighborhood and how are you currently involved in it? (200 words or less) * Word Count: 0 What are your hopes for your neighborhood, and what excites you about this program? (200 words or less) * Word Count: 0 Please describe any past leadership experiences, including any leadership development programs you’ve participated in. (200 words or less) * Word Count: 0 If selected, is there anything that we should know to help you participate fully and get the most out of the program? Please include any requests for accommodations. (200 words or less) * Word Count: 0 Please type your initials in the spaces below to acknowledge the following: If selected, I commit to attend class sessions and complete work between sessions to the best of my ability.* If selected, I commit to maintain communication and connection with my cohort through the end of 2025 and to serve my neighborhood council in any capacity for at least one year following the end of 2025. * I confirm that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.* References Please provide the contacts of two people in your neighborhood who would be willing to serve as character references for you, if requested. Reference #1 Name: * Phone: * Email: * How do you know this person? * Reference #2 Name: * Phone: * Email: * How do you know this person? * Submit Clear Form