Engineers Week

Design Your Future, Engineers Week Feb 16-22, 2025

Engineering students, faculty and staff held an exciting Engineers Week in February 2025. This national celebration of engineering and technology careers highlights how engineers make a difference in our world, inspires kids to become engineers, and increases public dialogue around engineering topics.

Thanks to DiscoverE and the National Association of Professional Engineers for nationwide support of Engineers Week.

2025 Engineers Week at Gonzaga

Dr Quinn lectures

EWeek Lecture on AI Ethics

Dr. Michael Quinn presented "10 Things to Know about AI Algorithmic Bias," a talk on what people can - and can't - do about AI-driven systems making biased decisions.

two gonzaga students with a child

Engineers Week with Campus Kids

Elementary school students with Gonzaga's Campus Kids program tried some early engineering projects during national Engineers Week.

Gonzaga Day Video recorded at the Renouard Lecture