School Letters of Support

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for agreeing to provide a letter of support for your student’s application for the SEAS Summer Immersion Program (SSIP). Please include the following information:

  • Please identify the high school and its location, Name, City and State.
  • What is your role - math teacher, science teacher, counselor, other staff?
  • Describe your familiarity with the student, how long and in what ways you have worked with the student.
  • Academic Preparation: Please share your awareness of the student’s preparation in mathematics and science. In your experience, have they demonstrated both the interest and aptitude that would allow them to continue successfully in calculus, chemistry & physics?
  • Interests and Abilities: Although no previous experience is necessary, please add your own observations about this student related to the following:
    • Demonstrated interest in STEM experiences and careers
    • Aptitude for working well with other students in a team environment
    • The possible value of participation in the SSIP experience for the student

Please send a PDF of your letter as an email attachment to Please mark the subject line "SSIP -" and add the student's name. Please note that the letter of support is due after the student's application is due.

We look forward to reviewing your student's information. Thank you for the extra effort you make in encouraging students towards STEM!