Low-Wear Polymer Composites

2025 Project: Additive Manufacturing of Tribological Polymer Composites

10 weeks: dates flexible

This project aims to develop both new polymer composite materials as well as additive manufacturing methods to fabricate such materials. The primary goal of these novel materials is to enable sliding with ultra-low wear and friction, thereby allow for dramatic improvements in energy efficiency and reliability of system these materials will be a part of.

student with equipment
Polymers and polymer composites play a unique and critical role in enabling mobility across a range of harsh environments. At tribological interfaces, i.e., the interface of two solid bodies subject to contact or relative motion, polymeric materials allow for mating surfaces to slide and/or rotate relative to each other, thus enabling efficient transmission of motion. Efficiency and reliability are often key parameters in the design of tribological materials for harsh environments.

As a result, polymers are ubiquitous in applications ranging from prosthetic implants in the human body, high speed bearings and seals in gas turbine engines, to bearings in electrically powered drivetrains. A characteristic feature of polymeric materials which enables such diverse use is the tunability of their functional properties – mechanical, thermal, electrical and tribological – to meet diverse, often harsh operating conditions in these environments.

Predictive design of tribological polymer composites, in the context of multifunctional environments requires a fundamental understanding of mechanisms which drive performance. Empirical evidence suggests that interfacial films play a crucial role in wear resistance of polymer composites. Ultra-low wear systems exhibit the appearance of mechanochemically modified interfacial films, formed in-situ; these are often considered a “predictor” of ultra-low wear. Interfacial films form both on the polymer surface (tribofilms), as well as the sliding counterpart (transfer films) through material transfer and consolidation. Spectroscopic analyses reveal that interfacial films are chemically modified relative to the unworn composite, presumably through strain-mediated pathways. Filler-matrix interactions invariably affect the formation of these films by regulating primary wear of the composite, however the mechanisms by which these interactions operate remain unknown. It is therefore evident that “good” transfer films accompany ultra-low wear systems, however design rules that promote such films, for example through the choice of suitable fillers in the polymer matrix remain all but non-existent. The goal of this research is to enable the development of predictive design rules for ultra-low wear tribological polymer composites.

This research takes place in the GU Tribology Lab.

Research Presentations

Some of Dr. Khare's research students who presented their work at the annual Fall Family Weekend Poster Session.

Henion at poster session
Jeffrey Henion
Elizabeth Anders
Students in front of research poster
Jackson Swets and Sean Harrington.

More about Tribology

tribology research

Visit the Tribology Lab Website

The Tribology Research Laboratory and Surface Analysis & Imaging Lab (SAIL) both study the operating physical and chemical processes which drive material behavior at sliding (i.e., tribological) interfaces.

Swets presents poster

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Dr. Harman Khare's Expertise Featured in Tribology Cover Story

The tribology trade magazine Tribology & Lubrication Technology included the mechanical engineering faculty's expertise for its May 2021 cover story on lubricants used in space.