How to Apply

A winter night in front of college hall. 

Admissions Requirements

The following documents are required to gain admission to the MBA-AIE program.

  • Copy of Tribal Enrollment Verification Card - unless applicant is a non-native, teaching at a tribal college or working for a native owned business
  • Completed online application
  • Two confidential letters of recommendation (recommendations are submitted through the online application portal)
  • One copy of official transcripts from each college and university attended (transcripts available via eScript-Safe, Parchment, or Clearing House can be sent to
  • Professional resume
  • Essay Questions:
  1. What matters to you most and why?
  2. How have your experiences as an individual, personal background, education, culture, and upbringing affected your short and long-term goals?
  3. How would you impact your tribe or the Native American Community by completing the MBA-AIE program?

All application materials are due no later than April 1st, 2024. After submitting application materials, applicants will be invited for an interview as part of the admissions process. 

Mailing Address for Application Materials

All application materials not submitted online should be sent to the following address:

Graduate Admissions Operations
AD Box 102
502 E. Boone Ave
Spokane, WA 99258-0102 

Military-Connected and Veteran Students

For more information on how to begin your graduate school application process, please visit the How to Get Started page.