Engineers Week with Campus Kids

two gonzaga students with a child

February 24, 2025
School of Engineering & Applied Science

Room full of Gonzaga students and elementary school children with engineering projects

To celebrate National Engineers Week, Gonzaga engineering and computer science students introduced elementary school students connected to the Campus Kids program about engineering basics. Dr. Gary Weber of the Engineering Management program arranged the event where kids could take turns at five different stations: aerodynamics, egg drop, light show, maze and robotics, and an introduction to 3D modeling.

Gonzaga student and child with an egg
Gonzaga student and child with egg wrapped in play clay

Egg Drop project lets students design and build devices to protect eggs when they're dropped from an adult's height.


Child with craft pipe cleaners
Gonzaga student and child bending craft pipe cleaners

By wrapping pipe cleaners around different horizontal parts of a toy car, then tracing and cutting each pipe cleaner shape onto foam board, student can make a crude 3-D rendering of the toy.

Elementary school student with a college student working on a light project

Kids learned they could code color patterns and times into a controller to make a small light show.

More about National Engineers Week