Delft: Going Green in The Hague

petting zoo
The community park of Cromvleit includes a sustainable petting zoo!

May 27, 2024
By Theo Lommers ('25) | Civil Engineering

Group with Windmill

Today in Delft, the students rode bikes to the Hague to learn about green infrastructure in the Hague. The stops were:

  • The square of Van Musschenbroekstraat, an area along the road where more room was made for trees so they could have more room to grow.
  • Cromvlietplein, a community park that absorbs and stores rainwater to prevent flooding and protect against drought.
  • t’Loo Park, a park that shows how the surrounding buildings have changed over time.
  • Haagse Bos (literally meaning Forest of the Hague), the Dutch Palace's former hunting grounds that today has cycling paths, trails, and a play area with carved animals, hollowed trees, and a lot of strong tree limbs meant to build 'huttenbos' or forest huts.

In the afternoon, students learned about sustainability of materials, including concrete. They looked at different materials used in buildings in Delft, and if they thought those materials were sustainable.

natural park
Near the Huis ten Bosch Palace and the large pond in the Haagse Bos, the Huttenbos play area lets families play freely in the woods.


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