Rachel Bauman

2021 Award: Outstanding Senior Student in Sociology
Major: Sociology
Minor: French and Solidarity & Social Justice
Hometown: Richland, WA
Extracurricular activities: I joined the Ambassador program as a sophomore and have been serving as the Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator throughout my senior year. I have engaged in the community through an internship with the Gonzaga Family Haven this spring, and have previously served as a mentor through CCE's Smile program. I love supporting the cultural clubs on campus, with choreographing for FASU's Barrio Fiesta being a highlight. I am also an assistant teacher for the Dance for Parkinson's program, which has been an important way to keep my love for dance in my life!


More about Rachel

Future plans:

I am attending UC Irvine's Sociology PhD program next fall where I will further explore my research interests in the topics of gender and family. I aspire to have a career in academia with a focus on teaching, hopefully at an institution similar to Gonzaga which values building meaningful relationships and community.

How has your major contributed to your professional or personal development?

Sociology is what I want to do! If not for an encouraging talk with Joe Johnston when I was a confused freshman, I may not have taken a sociology class. If not for Dr. Bertotti's Intro to Sociology class and the constant support and encouragement of my mentors, I may not have found confidence in Sociology being the path for me. My coursework and opportunities to do research as an undergraduate has prepared me and excited me for what awaits in graduate school.

What has been your proudest or most significant accomplishment during your Gonzaga career?

Becoming the Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator of the Ambassador program was a big accomplishment for me. I came into the program wanting to give it my all, knowing that the D&I leadership position is something that I wanted to take on. I'm so proud of the way I've been able to shape the role's responsibilities and expectations during my time, and I hope that it continues to be an important part of preparing our ambassadors to interact with prospective students and their families.