Brianna Covert

2021 Award: Anthony T. Wadden and Michael B. Herzog Scholarship
Major: English and Art
Hometown: Burlington, WA
Extracurricular activities: This semester I am teaching art lessons at the Juvenile Detention Centers in Spokane and Medical Lake, tutoring at Gonzaga's Writing Center, working as GU's Mascot Coordinator where I run the program behind-the-scenes, and curating a small gallery space for Gonzaga Family Haven, a new site providing homes for homeless families.

More about Brianna

Future plans:

Next year, I will be devoting my time to my senior projects, where I will be combining my writing and my printmaking to develop and explore a certain theme. Eventually, I would like to apply to a graduate program aboard and pursue an career related to and rooted in social justice, advocacy, community outreach, and/or nonprofit work.

How has your major contributed to your professional or personal development?

My English classes have not only developed my ability to analyze literature and clearly communicate through a mature voice in writing, but these classes have consistently challenged my thinking about the world. My curriculum has greatly influenced my decisions to carry out Gonzaga's Jesuit values into the world as I seek out a career situated in social justice and advocacy.

What has been your proudest or most significant accomplishment during your Gonzaga career?

I won the second place Gurian award for the nonfiction category this year (2022) and I could not have been more surprised or excited. I battle a lot of anxiety surrounding my abilities to perform with my writing, and the Gurian award was such a wonderful gift to receive as it reminded me that I am capable and talented.