Cluster reunion model announcement

Happy anniversary to our Zag Alumni celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 40 years since graduation!

Traditionally, anniversary classes have been celebrated with a reunion weekend in the fall. The past few years have presented us with both the opportunity and the need to reimagine most of our events and programming. The success of our 2022 Zagapalooza all-class reunion on campus, combined with the realities of a more-connected world and a growing slate of Gonzaga events around the country, has led us to evaluate and modify how we offer reunions for the greatest overall benefit.

Ultimately, GU class reunions are for you, and the most common feedback we hear is that you want more classmates to attend, and more time spent together; additional feedback centers on having more notice and longer planning times.

With your input as our guide, we are excited to announce that we’ll be adopting a “cluster reunion” model, beginning with the classes celebrating anniversaries in 2023, 2024 and 2025 and held every three years, beginning in 2025 (dates will be announced soon).


A “cluster reunion” is the celebration of multiple classes at one reunion event. This model is growing in popularity at universities around the country, mainly for the reasons stated above. Classes from three consecutive years will celebrate their milestone anniversary together with a reunion weekend on campus in 2025 (more information coming soon). Additional cluster reunions will be held for the other anniversary classes this same weekend.

As an example: in this rotating format, the 20-year anniversary class of 2003 will celebrate together in 2025 with the classes of 2004 and 2005; they would then celebrate their 25-year anniversary in 2028 with the classes of 2001 and 2002, and their 30-year anniversary in 2031 with the classes of 2002 and 2004. A three-year schedule ensures all classes meet every three to six years.

This grouped reunion event at GU will be called Zagapalooza, and will feature anniversary class reunions, on-campus activities, Sunday mass and other opportunities to gather, celebrate, and learn together throughout the weekend.

Other questions, concerns or ideas? Email the Office of Alumni Relations.