Students and faculty gather outside of the Crosby Center by the wall to recognize International Day of Tolerance.

Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Community & Equity


Welcome from the Dean of Social Justice Leadership and Community Empowerment (SJLCE)

Welcome to Gonzaga!  As the Dean for Social Justice Leadership and Community Empowerment (SJLCE), I invite you to learn more about how we support and engage all students at our university. SJLCE is a part of a larger Student Affairs pillar that encompasses two Centers: the Unity Multicultural Education Center (UMEC) and the Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center. In direct response to campus climate and student need, our Centers originally started out as a safe space and support system for historically underrepresented and traditionally marginalized student groups.  Our purpose, however, is two-fold.  SJLCE also outreaches and educates all students in their social identity development, cultural fluency, and connection to social justice.  Our work is grounded in several theoretical frameworks, including but not limited to Intersectionality Studies and the Social Change Model of Leadership.  At Gonzaga, we believe that everyone plays an important role in the “diversity discussion” to advocate for co-liberation and affirm the inherent dignity of the human person.

SJLCE is organized around three pillars: (1) mentoring, (2) programming, and (3) intercultural development.  Many students first hear about our area through BRIDGE, starting with a Social Justice and Leadership Institute for incoming students with underrepresented identities.  BRIDGE students are assigned a peer mentor to help them navigate their first year in college.  DICE also offers monthly programs that feature social justice speakers, spoken word artists, films, art and activism workshops.  Our third pillar on intercultural development encourages students to go even deeper.  Through Intergroup Dialogue courses and co-curricular opportunities, Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) Certification, and diversity-related conferences external to Gonzaga, our students learn how to more effectively communicate across difference and practice allyship behaviors.

We could not do all this work without our many student leaders who work with SJLCE as BRIDGE mentors, as residential social justice peer educators, as cultural club officers, and as office staff.  Many students also just like to hang out in UMEC and the Lincoln Center to study, meet up, & build community.  Rest assured that students do not need to identify a certain way to get involved with SJLCE.  They simply need to care about making this world more equitable and inclusive for all.  Just remember: 1 department, 2 Centers, 3 pillars.  SJLCE is located on the second floor of Hemmingson in 213 and 215 right across from The Bulldog.  We welcome everyone, and hope to see you soon!

In Solidarity,

Joan Iva C. Fawcett
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Dean for Social Justice Leadership and Community Empowerment
Student Affairs Division

Vision Statement

We envision a community where human difference is affirmed and integrated into the intellectual, personal, and professional development of all students.

Mission Statement

In order to create a diverse and inclusive community, we utilize the principles of critical dialogue, reciprocity, and solidarity to facilitate learning that cultivates cultural engagement, enriches mindfulness, fosters a sense of belonging, and challenges systems of privilege and oppression.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Examine their multiple, intersecting identities to gain greater self-awareness.
  • Increase their sense of belonging at Gonzaga and build inclusive community.
  • Advocate for historically underrepresented and traditionally marginalized groups.
  • Demonstrate sustainable leadership to foster social justice.
  • Practice self-care and community care to model cultural resilience.

DICE Resources

Students holding hands

Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center

Developing and sustaining Gonzaga as a safe and welcoming community for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions.

Student with sign at diversity march that says "unity in diversity"

Unity Multicultural Education Center

Working to create a university community that integrates and values multiple perspectives and cultural narratives.

Stories & Events

Upcoming Events

Enjoy a Sunday Out with Zag Alumni and Friends Join us for a no-host brunch at Vieux Carré...
Join the Gonzaga Lavender Alumni Community as we march in the Seattle PRIDE Parade on Sunday, June...

Connect with DICE.