
 Please see the Gonzaga Owned Off Campus Selection Process Details. 


Gonzaga-owned houses are NOT furnished.  Students are required to provide their own furnishings.  We are unable to accommodate furnishing of any type.

Gonzaga-owned apartments (Sinto, Lamplighter) are furnished with an extra-long twin bed, wardrobe and desk in each of the bedrooms. 

No, you are not allowed to use these services for tv in a Gonzaga owned off-campus facility.  The only option available is Comcast.
Students with a housing deposit in place and an Avista account (electricity for the rental) will be eligible to pick keys up from the Housing Office once the rental term has started. 
Student rent will be billed directly to the Student Account. Charges are billed once in the fall and once in the spring, just as on-campus housing is billed. A charge for the month of June will be billed separately, if a student chooses to renew their lease for another rental term. 
You may pay your late fees online at, commerce.cashnet.com/guhousing.  Just select the "Late Fees" tab and insert the number of days late.  These payments may also be made in the Housing office.
You will need to go to www.avistautilities.com or call (800) 227-9187.
You will need to visit the Xfinity website and select a service option, or visit a local Xfinity store and set up your services in person.
Rent varies by location.  Rent amounts will be listed in your rental agreement.
These facilities, as well as many living options in the Logan neighborhood, vary in age and condition.  It is important to keep this in mind when considering a transition into off-campus living.  The Logan Neighborhood is comprised of residential facilities built between 1890 and today.
This means the batteries in your detector are most likely low.  Please submit a work order and Plant will service these devices for you.
You may submit a work order to plant via email at customerservice@gonzaga.edu.  On this work order please cc: your Community Advocate and the Residence Director.  If there is an emergency please call Campus Security at (509) 313-2222.
Laundry machines are supplied by a vendor that takes care of repairs. Please use the QR code on the laundry machine to put in a repair request, or call Hainsworth Laundry 800-526-0955.  Plant Services will not make repairs to laundry machines. 
If you lock yourself out of your residence, you may call Campus Security at (509) 313-2222.  They will be able to let you back in.
You can request a new key by visiting ZagLiving and submitting a Key Replacement Request. 
Your rent payment is considered late beginning on the fourth calendar day of each month.  At that point you will incur a $5 per day late fee, for a maximum of $50 per month.
Your rent payment is due on the first calendar day of each month regardless of what day of the week this falls on.


You are not allowed to move any of the furniture from your apartment.
You are not given a key to the mailboxes outside of your apartment complex.  Mail sent to this address will be non-deliverable.  We recommend using your on-campus mailbox to receive your mail.