Professor Inaraja Vera’s research focuses on environmental and natural resources law. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Washington University Law Review, Utah Law Review, Cardozo Law Review, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Harvard Journal on Legislation, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, and other U.S. and European legal publications.
Prior to joining the Gonzaga Law faculty, Professor Inaraja Vera held research positions at New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy and Indiana University’s Environmental Resilience Institute. During his time at Indiana University--Bloomington, Professor Inaraja Vera taught at the Maurer School of Law.
Before entering academia, Professor Inaraja Vera was an associate attorney with the environmental practice group of the international law firm Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira. While in law school, he worked on environmental and natural resources cases with Earthjustice, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Natural Resources Division of the Utah Attorney General’s Office.
Voluntary Regulation, 49 Harvard Environmental Law Review (forthcoming 2025).
Water Law Transitions in the Era of Climate Change, 102 Washington University Law Review 479 (2024).
Takings Property and Appropriative Rights, 44 Cardozo Law Review 274 (2022).
Assessing the Performance of Voluntary Environmental Programs, 2020 Utah Law Review 795 (2020).
Delayed Judicial Review of Agency Action, 56 Harvard Journal on Legislation 199 (2019).
Making Dirty Land Clean: An Analysis of New York City’s Voluntary Cleanup Program, N.Y.U. Furman Center Policy Brief (2018).
Ciudades y cambio climático: experiencias de municipios estadounidenses [Cities and Climate Change: Experiences from U.S. Municipalities], 46 Cuadernos de Derecho Local 169 (2018) (invited contribution).
How Science Can Improve Regulation: Noise Control in Urban Areas, 53 Tulsa Law Review 33 (2017).
Compelled Costs Under CERCLA: Incompatible Remedies, Different Statutes of Limitations, and Tort Law, 17 Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 394 (2016).
Instream Flows in California and Spain: The Thorny Issue of Compensation, 27 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 199 (2015).