Updated 3/16/2022 with new masking information in the Health & Wellness section.
PLEASE NOTE: The information below is specific to Law School operations and does not necessarily encompass all university operations or guidelines. Continue to check the ZagOn webpage, your email, and Morning Mail for updates.
Academic Affairs & Course Information
Spring 2022 Semester
According to the University’s Back to Campus plan, which applies to the Law School, the teaching modality for AY 2021-2022 is in-person. This will continue to be the case for Spring 2022.
Jan. 2, 2022 - Q&A Regarding Spring 2022 Protocols
Student Resources
Student Arrival & Return to Campus Guide
The Graduate and Law Student Arrival and Return to Gonzaga Guide details the principles, expectations, and responsibilities of all students. Please review the Spring 2022 guidelines.
Facility Information
Law School Building
Access to the building will be limited to faculty, staff and enrolled students coming in to study or attend courses, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, 12 p.m. - 10 p.m. Please note, these hours will vary on holidays.
Chastek Library
The Chastek Law Library will be open to law students only during normal hours and remains closed to the public. Hours mirror that of the Law School building.
Other Campus Services
Please refer to the ZagOn website at www.gonzaga.edu/zagon for more detailed information regarding other campus services.
Health, Wellness & Prevention
Law School will implement the following measures once Gonzaga University shifts to a mask optional operating environment on March 26, 2022:
- All open common areas within the Law School building will be mask optional
- With one exception, all common office areas within the Law School building will be mask optional
- The Center for Civil & Human Rights (CCHR), located on the second floor of our clinical space, will require the use of masks by all those who enter.
- The CCHR policy will be reevaluated in early April.
- Occupants of individual offices with doors may establish a mask-required-for-entry environment
- Those electing to do so have been encouraged to display appropriate signage so entrants are aware.
- Professors may determine the mask policy within their classrooms and are asked to communicate with you directly regarding their policy
- Faculty who elect to require masks in their classrooms have been provided boxes of masks that they are encouraged to bring with them to the classroom, so no student will be without a mask.
- There will be no revisiting of earlier decisions made regarding violations of masking protocol or student absences from class due to COVID.
Additional campus health and safety information can be found on the ZagOn website.
COVID-19 Testing
Law student have access to on-campus testing. If you think you have signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 and would like to get tested, you can make an appointment to do so at Gonzaga University Health & Counseling Services. Please call 509-313-4066 before your visit the office. More information about testing is available here.
Information Archive
Due to the evolving nature of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the information in this archive may not be accurate or relevant to current Gonzaga University protocol. This archive serves as a repository for updates and does not necessarily include all communication provided during this time period.According to the University’s Back to Campus plan, which applies to the Law School, the teaching modality for AY 2020-2021 is on-campus, in person, face-to-face. Any student not able to attend class, for whatever reason, is encouraged to reach out to individual instructors in order to learn what they missed and view a recording of the class (if available).
September 23, 2021 Q&A Document - Dean Rooksby provided the following information to the Gonzaga Bulletin on Sept. 22 in response to questions regarding our COVID-19 protocol. We are making them available in-full as a resource for students, faculty, and staff.
Spring 2021 Semester & Spring Break
The Spring Semester will began Monday, January 4, 2021 and Spring Break will be observed March 8-12, 2021. The full academic calendar can be found here.
Despite a reduction in cases locally and the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, the CDC, the State of Washington, the Spokane Health Department, and Gonzaga University continue to discourage non-essential travel during this time to reduce transmission of the virus. The University is asking all those who travel to consider getting tested 1 to 3 days prior to travel, in order to affirm that they are not currently COVID-19 positive. Those who test positive should not travel.
To support a safe return to campus, as well as lower the risk of transmitting COVID-19 between individuals, we ask that you either:
(a) be willing to certify that you did not travel outside of Washington state during Spring Break before returning to face-to-face classes, or
(b) participate in classes remotely for two weeks after your return to Spokane if you opt to travel outside of Washington state for Spring Break.
Questions regarding spring break protocol can be directed to Dr. Susan Lee, Interim Assistant Dean of Students.
Clockify Attendance Tracker
Clockify is an app that tracks attendance and your location during class (face-to-face, remote-synchronous, or remote-a synchronous). In the event a potential COVID case is reported, Clockify can generate a report that is sent to the COVID-19 Action Response Team to aid in faster contact tracing. We are asking all students to track their time daily. A full tutorial for how to use Clockify can be found here: https://libguides.law.gonzaga.edu/clockify/clockifyhowto
Sept. 1, 2020 - Clockify FAQs
This fall, the majority of our courses are in a face-to-face, in-person environment in the Law School, with many upper-level courses being offered online as indicated in the course schedule. We believe that a legal education is most robust and dynamic in a face-to-face, in-person setting with the instructor, when possible. To that end, we have worked hard to alter the schedule and classrooms to allow students to still have this experience to the extent practicable.
Sept. 1, 2020 - FAQs regarding Law School COVID-19 protocol
Spring Academic Affairs Update
April 1, 2020 - A letter from Dean Rooksby to students regarding academic policiesQ&A Documents
March 27, 2020 - Second EditionMarch 17, 2020 - First Edition
A Message from the Dean
May 21, 2020 - Letter from the Washington State Supreme Court Order for Temporarily Modifying Washington’s Admission and Practice Rule
May 13, 2020 - Response Letter from Washington State Supreme Court
April 28, 2020 - Letter to the Washington State Supreme Court