Tailian Chen, Ph.D.

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

The overarching goal of Dr. Chen's research is to increase thermal system efficiency through heat transfer enhancement and novel system design.

Talian Chen

Contact Information

AD Box 26

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida, 2002

M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, 2003

M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, 1993

B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, 1990

Courses Taught

MENG 322 Thermodynamics II

MENG 341 Heat Transfer

Past Semesters

ENSC 352 Fluid Mechanics

MENG 442 Advanced Heat Transfer

Book chapters

  • J.N. Chung and T. Chen, 2016, "Condensation," Multiphase Flow Handbook, 2nd ed. ch. 9, pp. 605-636, edit by E. Michaelides et al. published by CRC Press.
  • T. Chen, 2015, "Heat Pipes," Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow II, Special Topics and Applications, ch. 8, pp. 311-354, edit by J. Thome and J. Kim., published by World Scientific. 
  • J. Kim and T. Chen, 2010, “Heat transfer enhancement methods,” Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, eds. Blockley and W. Shyy, volume 1, section 5(3),  Wiley & Blackwell Inc., 
  • T. Chen and J. Kim, 2010, “Heat pipes and thermosyphons” Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, eds. Blockley and W. Shyy, volume 1, section 5(6), Wiley & Blackwell Inc.

Journal publications

  • T. Chen, 2015, "Capillary Force-Driven Fluid Flow in Open Grooves with Different Sizes", Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 594-601.

Conference publications and presentations

  • T. Chen, 2016, "Heat transfer to wetting and non-wetting liquid droplets deposited onto a microgroove surface," IEEE ITERM 2016, Las Vegas, NV.
  • T. Chen, 2014, "Capillary Force-Driven Fluid Flow of a Wetting Liquid in Open Grooves of Different Sizes," IEEE ITERM 2014, Orlando, FL.