
Gerhard Barone

Gerhard Barone, Ph.D.

Profile photo of Professor Andrew Brajcich

Andrew M. Brajcich, J.D., LL.M., C.P.A.

  • Jud Regis Chair of Accounting; Director, Graduate Accounting; Professor of Accounting
  • (509) 313-7053
  • brajcich@gonzaga.edu
Cathy DeHart

Cathy DeHart, CPA

Joo Ha Profile Photo

Joo Ha, Ph.D.

Donald Hackney

Donald Hackney

Dr. Matthew L. Hoag

Matthew L. Hoag, Ph.D.

  • Coordinator of Accounting; Associate Professor of Accounting
  • (509) 313-7035
  • hoag@gonzaga.edu
Sara Kern

Sara Kern, Ph.D.

  • Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs & Professor of Accounting
  • (509) 313-7031
  • kern@gonzaga.edu
Jillian LaBelle

Jillian LaBelle, CPA

Dr. Dan Law

Daniel W. Law, Ph.D.

Casey J. McNellis, PhD

Dr. Gary Weber

Gary Weber, Ph.D.