Dr. Owens is the Associate Dean of Nursing, Chief Nurse Administrator, and an Associate Professor. Her areas of interest include Nursing Education, Teaching & Learning strategies, Civility, and Maternal Child health. Her clinical background includes neonatal, maternal newborn and pediatric care, she is a certified maternal newborn nurse.
Dr. Owens entered the profession with an Associate degree in nursing from Spokane Community College, received her Bachelor of Science in nursing degree from the University of Washington, her Master’s degree in nursing from Gonzaga University, and earned her PhD in nursing education from the University of Northern Colorado. Her research focus includes best practices in nursing education, life balance, and professional quality of life in nurse educators.
Owens, J., Kottwitz, C., Tiedt, J., Ramirez, J. (2018). Strategies to attain faculty work-life balance.
Building Healthy Academic Communities, 2(2). http://dx.doi.org/10.18061/bhac.v2i2.6544.
Owens, J. (2017). Secondary stress and nurse educators. Teaching and Learning in Nursing 12(13).
214-215. doi:10.1016/j.teln.2017.02.004.
Owens, J. (2017). Life Balance in Nurse Educators: A Mixed-Methods Study. Nursing
Education Perspectives, 38(4), 182-188. doi:10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000177
Owens, J. (2015). Life Balance in Nurse Educators: A Mixed Method Study.
Doctoral Dissertation. University of Northern Colorado.