Delft: Touring Tomatoworld

Visitors to Tomatoworld's Data Driven Growing lab and greenhouse (or as the Dutch say, 'glass house') suit up and taste up to 50 different varieties of tomato!
May 29, 2024
Ava Rifenbury ('26) | Civil Engineering

Today, students biked 14 miles roundtrip west of Delft to visit Tomatoworld!

Tomatoworld is an information and education center that teaches the great value of the Dutch greenhouse horticulture sector along with being a testing site for new innovations.

Students learned about how the Netherlands has become the 2nd largest food exporter in the world and how they are working to combat food scarcity. Students got a personal information session on sustainable agriculture, got to tour the exhibition room, then got suited up to go inside the Data-Driven Growing field lab! After that, students participated in a tomato taste test, where they sampled many kinds of tomatoes, including yellow, orange, and red tomatoes.

Serious silliness - spelling out TOMATO in front of Tomatoworld.


After leaving Tomatoworld, students then had some free time in the afternoon, where one group decided to go to Scheveningen beach to watch their friend Tyler Tran kitesurf! They ended the night with a ramen dinner and enjoying ice cream cones along the canal.

Keep up with the Delft students on the GU in Delft Blog