Matt Udell on choosing Engineering Management

Matt Udell

November 21, 2022
School of Engineering & Applied Science

“Where do my interests lie?” “How can I practically pursue these interests?” These were the two questions at the forefront of my mind when I began searching for a degree, and the questions that led me to decide upon Engineering Management.

From a young age, I had a passion for creativity. When I encountered a problem, I had the drive to find a solution, or sometimes many, and execute the best one. Additionally, I picked up STEM related topics quickly. This (long story short) is what led me to study engineering, as it had the potential to translate my creative problem-solving skills into real life, helpful solutions.

Next, I had to pick my field of engineering. I was most interested in mechanical engineering. However, I also enjoyed working and leading in a team setting, and, I wanted to know more about business, in case an opportunity presents itself in which I can start my own.

This is why I chose to pursue a degree in Engineering Management. It provides an advanced skillset specific to my concentration of mechanical engineering, while giving me a foundational knowledge of how business works. Right out of college, these skills open me up a position in Project Management, or a position in Mechanical Engineering, with a more direct route to Project Management.