Renouard Lecture: Thomas Pratt on Radio Frequency

Pratt lecture

November 01, 2022
School of Engineering & Applied Science

Pratt lecture

Imagine being able to continually monitor a person's vital signs without hooking them to a machine. Or noticing the first sign that something's wrong with a rotating machine's turbine without touching it. These are two of the many sensor projects possible with radio frequency (RF), the subject of the Electrical & Computer Engineering Renouard Lecture held October 28.

Dr. Thomas G. Pratt heads the Radio Frequency (RF) Communications and Sensing Laboratory. He described experiments that led to the observation of RF polarization dispersion, and then discussed some of the more recent advances and applications of the technology.

Luis Perez
One of his research engineers is GU alumnus Luis Perez ('18, Electrical Engineering), who visited with Pratt and answered student questions about what it's like working professionally at a research lab.
The Renouard Distinguished Lecture Series is made possible by a gift from Ed & Bunny Renouard.