In The News: Design Can Influence Beyond Its Borders

The final beam is lowered onto the now-completed University of Washington School of Medicine/Gonzaga University Health Partnership building.
The final beam is lowered onto the now-completed University of Washington School of Medicine/Gonzaga University Health Partnership building.

October 07, 2022
Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce

The University of Washington School of Medicine and Gonzaga University Health Partnership building will make a huge difference in the lives of the students who will study there for decades to come. A new article in the "Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce" illustrates how the benefits of the remarkable new space will extend beyond its walls to the rural communities of Washington state, and how its pioneering design is vital to that effort. 

"In addition to being a place where students and faculty from UW and GU can collaborate and learn," writes Kristina Rivera, "the Health Partnership’s building serves a greater purpose — to help advance health care research and solutions that will give rural communities better access to affordable, quality care."

Read the full article.