"Zealously seeking to nurse those who are ill, wherever they may be"

female student and instructor give hang loose hand symbol
'21 BSN Tayler Chin and Nursing faculty member Trena Redman "hang loose" in lieu of a hug

May 13, 2021
School of Nursing & Human Physiology

Bachelor of Science in Nursing 
Pinning Ceremony 2021

two male nursing students with female instructors or family

Left: William Dituri's mom, Katrina, had the honor of "pinning" him. Right: Bobby Cryder is pinned by faculty member Kaye Slater. 

Nightingale Pledge

I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly to faithfully practice my profession of nursing. I will do all in my power to make and maintain the highest standards and practices of my profession. I will hold in confidence all personal matters, committed to my keeping in the practice of my calling. I will devote myself to the welfare of my patients, my family, and my community. I will endeavor to fulfill my rights and privileges as a good citizen and take my share of responsibility in promoting the health and welfare of the community. I will constantly endeavor to increase my knowledge and skills in nursing and to use them wisely. I will zealously seek to nurse those who are ill, wherever they may be and whenever they are in need. I will be active in assisting others in safeguarding and promoting the health and happiness of all humankind.

Congratulations to these 48 new nurses: 

  • Angela Banfield

  • Katherine Beliveau

  • Cameron Capie

  • Rachel Carter 

  • Tayler Chin 

  • Emma Combes 

  • Regan Corley 

  • McKenzie Craig 

  • Robert Cryder 

  • William Dituri 

  • Lauren Fong 

  • Hadley Frazier 

  • Madeleine Fritschler 

  • Claire Gillett 

  • Rachel Giroux 

  • Aubrie Guenther 

  • Megan Hayes

  • Annika Helgesen

  • Ann Jacobson

  • Ryan Kelley

  • Maya Krantz 

  • Olivia La Terra 

  • Jessica Lunceford 

  • Robert Matossian 

  • Lauren May

  • Katherine McConnell 

  • Eleanor McElligott 

  • Olivia Molitor 

  • Kelley Morley 

  • Kerryanne North 

  • Abigail Palomarez 

  • Makenna Presnell 

  • Victor Potente 

  • Cabot Rolt

  • Joanna Ross

  • Ellen Rowan 

  • Julienne Ruiz 

  • Samantha Rustia 

  • Eleanor Stedman 

  • Gabrielle Stone 

  • Olivia Stormont 

  • Sydney Terrell 

  • Erica Wahlin 

  • Abigail Walker 

  • Finn Walker 

  • Rachel Walls 

  • Bella Williams 

  • Lydia Wilson


two female students receive nursing pins from women

Left: Olivia Molitor is pinned by faculty member Sara Morasch. Right: Lauren Fong with faculty member Janalee Isaacson.

Learn about undergraduate and advanced nursing programs at GU.