New Research Institute Looks to Provide More Opportunities, Efficiencies

A student processes a sample in the lab

December 09, 2021
Gonzaga News Service

The newly established Institute for Research and Interdisciplinary Initiatives, under the direction of Assistant Provost Paul Bracke, will enable the University to better leverage opportunities for both faculty and student research.

“We hope this will provide improved support for faculty and student research, and to be a catalyst for interdisciplinary research at Gonzaga” Bracke says. “We aspire to build on the strength of our faculty and students in enhancing Gonzaga as a premier undergraduate institution.”

The institute brings together existing administrative functions related to scholarship as well as inter- and multidisciplinary academic efforts. It will provide a home for mission-based, cross-institutional academic initiatives related to research, scholarship and engagement with local, national and global communities. The following existing offices/functions will be housed within the Institute:

Bracke sees staffing and process efficiencies within the institute by better coordinating research and academic initiatives, sharing resources, streamlining ways to identify funding opportunities, and supporting faculty in grant writing.