Merry Christmas from Foley Library

Two girls decorating a Christmas tree in college hall, 1948

December 15, 2021
Foley Library

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Foley Library!

All of us at Foley Library wish everyone a wonderful and peaceful holiday season, and a restful break! 

Over the next week, we will be highlighting images from Gonzaga Christmases past on the library social media accounts.  So if you don’t already, please follow @gonzagalibrary on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook to enjoy the festive holiday scenes.

For even more holiday fun, you can search our Digital Archive for Christmas or winter images.  You might also find an old Christmas carol to share with your family around the piano, in our Wildin Sheet Music Collection, which is also available via the Digital Archive.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  

Sheet music cover art titled Christmas Bells in orange gothic font, image is a chapel on a snowy night
Christmas Bells sheet music cover, from the Wildin Sheet Music Collection.