Gonzaga Statement Regarding June 20, 2020 Reveal Report

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June 20, 2020
Gonzaga University

Gonzaga University is deeply sorry for the pain experienced by all survivors of sexual misconduct. We take very seriously the assertions made in a report released today by Reveal.

Gonzaga actively and publicly encourages reporting of any form of sexual misconduct, harassment, bias and abuse, as well as reviews and investigates all allegations, as required by law and policy. We encourage any member of the Gonzaga community who has experienced abuse – past or present – to make a report at www.gonzaga.edu/report.

The dignity of every individual is central to the mission and values of Gonzaga University. This story once again raises the very real issues related to the sexual abuse crisis impacting the Catholic Church, and our University. We are committed to standing with survivors, hearing their voices, and empowering and supporting the important work of truth and reconciliation.