A Thank-you to Gonzaga Nursing and Human Physiology Students

April 17, 2020

A Special Thank You:


As Dean of Gonzaga’s School Nursing and Human Physiology, I extend the faculty and staff’s

utmost appreciation to you as you work to provide incredible care, under the most

unprecedented circumstances, to those who need it most during the pandemic. Your

incredible efforts do not go unnoticed as we see you working countless hours on the front

lines during this outbreak that wreaks havoc on our world.


As a School of Nursing & Human Physiology student, you are indeed an exemplar of what it

means to care for the whole person. You are carrying out Gonzaga’s mission to care for

others, many of whom are in the margins. More than this, you are demonstrating magis –

Christ’s love as you serve. As a front-line responder, you are putting your own health, safety

and security at risk to care for others. Thank you for your tremendous efforts during the



I hope it is clear now just how much society is relying on you for help and leadership during

this crisis. So many of you came to Gonzaga with the intent to “set the world on fire,” just

as St. Ignatius of Loyola directed. Now is the time for your spark to shine brightly, and to

provide hope to so many who have none.


Please know how proud we are of you and we hold in our hearts and prayers daily.


May God bless you,


Vince Salyers, Ed.D., RN, ANEF, FAAN

Dean School of Nursing and Human Physiology