Gonzaga-in-Florence Program Suspended Due to Coronavirus

The Duomo in Florence (GU photo)
The Duomo in Florence

February 26, 2020
Gonzaga News Service

SPOKANE, Wash. — Gonzaga University has suspended its Gonzaga-in-Florence program immediately and is asking 161 students currently enrolled in the program to return to their home residences in the United States. The suspension follows a spike of confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Italy.

“For the safety of our students, faculty and staff, we made the difficult decision to suspend the program,” said Deena González, Ph.D., provost and senior vice president. “Along with a number of other American universities with programs in Florence, we are concerned that by remaining in Florence, our students are at risk for in-country quarantines, limitations on travel, and limited access to basic services.”

Gonzaga University students in Florence are on spring break this week and some are traveling away from the Florence campus. The University has notified students and their families and is in the process of assisting them with their safe travel back to the United States.

“We know this is a great disappointment to our students and we are doing everything we can to minimize disruption to their studies and their lives,” González said. “It is also important to provide a plan for academic continuity for our Florence students.”

Gonzaga anticipates providing students plans for continuation and completion of academic courses early in March. In addition, the University is communicating with public health officials in Italy and the United States. A website has been created to provide updates and information at www.gonzaga.edu/coronavirus.