Tips for Academic Success from CSAS

A student focuses on some homework on her computer.

September 23, 2019
Jason Varnado, Associate Director for CSAS

1. Attend all classes.  The importance of regular class attendance cannot be overemphasized. 

2. Come prepared for class.  In college, you can’t just study for exams as you did in high school – you need to prepare for each class by reviewing your notes and completing the assigned work. 

3. Actively read assignments.  Reading academic material requires a much greater level of concentration than reading a magazine, newspaper or blog. 

4. Review and revise notes.  Take 10 minutes after class to go over your notes-while the information is still fresh in your mind. 

5. Know how grades are determined.  Every course is graded differently.  Review the syllabus and devote efforts accordingly. 

*From 50 Tips for Academic Success, College Edition, Farber and O’Brien, 2016. 

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