Wandelen is leuk!

Dr. Maxwell discusses walkability.

May 27, 2019
McKenna Milacek

Yoo-hoo! Did you know that Americans spend about 20% of their annual income on transportation (cars, gas, etc.)? That’s insane! On Monday, the Zags in Delft got to learn about what makes a city walkable, so we can maybe spend less money on driving.

Brooke stands next to a building so her group can estimate the building’s height.
Walkability is a measurement of how favorable a space is for walking or other pedestrian activities. The group split into four teams to observe various characteristics of given street segments. Some of these walkability factors include building height, quantity of pedestrians, presence of restaurants and businesses, and sight distance down the street.

Luckily, we have a professional in the group. Dr. Maxwell’s grad school research involved observing street segments for streetscape quality and pedestrian access. He provided us with a handy rating system that helped us determine the overall walkability of our street segments.


Overall, it was a beautiful day in Delft to do some walking, and the Zags learned a lot about what makes an area appealing for pedestrians. Wandelen is leuk!


Hanna, Madelyn and Darien making observations on their street segment.