Optimism, Hope, Themes at Mass of the Holy Spirit

Mass of the Holy Spirit at Gonzaga.

September 11, 2018

On the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, new beginnings and the persistence of hope were themes that echoed through St. Aloysius Cathedral at the Mass of the Holy Spirit on Tuesday.

Gonzaga President Thayne McCulloh offered the Reflection, urging students, staff, faculty and friends of the university to remain positive in carrying out the Jesuit mission in day-to-day life.

“We are constantly aware of the fact that we live simultaneously in a world that is beset with challenges, but also (a world) that is fundamentally optimistic; dedicated to hope, dedicated to the idea of a better future,” said McCulloh. 

The annual mass, a tradition which stretches back to the founding of the university, serves to formally kick off the academic year. This year, the date coincided with the 9/11 anniversary. In memory of its victims, a special prayer was offered for those affected by acts of hostility around the world during the Prayer of the Faithful. 

Fr. Tom Lamanna, S.J., new pastor of St. Aloysius Parish, was Presider. He said it was an honor as a proud Gonzaga alumnus to serve in that role. The service lasted one hour, 15 minutes and was followed by an outdoor community luncheon.


– Jeff Bunch