Law Students Win Coveted 'Saul Competition' Award in San Francisco

Group photo of Moot Court team in San Francisco

February 14, 2018

Last weekend, Gonzaga Law competed in the Saul Lefkowitz National Trademark Moot Court Competition at the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco. This is Gonzaga’s 22nd year in the Saul Competition, which is sponsored by the International Trademark Association.

For the sixth time in the past eight years, Gonzaga Law was recognized when the winners were announced. Our own ‘Team Punctual’ was the winner of the coveted Best Oral Argument award. This is Gonzaga Law’s second year in a row winning the prestigious award.

All participating teams were judged by notable Bay Area trademark practitioners at firms such as Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton; Owen Wickersham & Erickson; and Ezra, Brutzkus & Gubner. Notable in-house trademark attorneys from Facebook, Airbnb, Oracle, Intel and Apple also judged the competition.

Both Gonzaga Law teams were prepared, poised, and professional. They endured 40+ weeks of homework leading to the competition—memorizing the Lanham Act, writing and editing appellate briefs, and surviving six, three-hour rounds of practices with intellectual property and appellate lawyers in Spokane.

At the reception after the Saul Competition, Gonzaga Law students had the opportunity to meet competition judges and engage in a meaningful trademark dialogue. It is safe to say all eight Gonzaga Law students have broadened their skills as advocates in intellectual property law and have gained real-world experience by impressing and networking with industry leaders.

Congrats to both teams!

Photo of Gonzaga Law moot competition students in the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco

Team Practical:

Kristopher Morton -- 3L Captain
Victoria Elleby -- 2L
Sam Thomas -- 2L
Karley Whisman -- 2L

Team Punctual -- Best Oral Argument:

Alisha Myers -- 3L Captain
Asif Saleem -- 2L
Christine Hotchkin -- 2L
Ethan Vodde -- 2L