Experienced Faculty Lead the Way

Experienced Faculty Lead the Way

September 06, 2017
Our MA-TESL & English Language Center faculty is highly experienced. Our faculty has taught in the Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, England, Japan, Peru, Poland, Spain, Zambia, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States. The knowledge of the field, passion for teaching, and professionalism of the faculty is one of the greatest strengths of the program.

All faculty members have a master’s degree or higher in TESL or a related field, including both ESL and EFL experience. Faculty members frequently present at local, regional, and national conferences, publish in peer-reviewed journals, lead study abroad programs, and train teachers. The full-time faculty teaches classes for both the MA|TESL program and the ESL Program. This cutting-edge integration means that our ESL students have access to both highly trained, experienced teachers and master’s candidates eager to learn.

Our progressive curriculum, experienced and dedicated faculty, and distinct mission make the English Language Center a long-standing and respected program focused on the needs of our students. Join us!