Gonzaga Law Students Compete in Negotiation Competition

Gonzaga Law School at dusk

October 17, 2017

Better than Decorative Gourds: The Negotiation Competition Results

As Spokane slowly moves into fall, the air turns crisp and the skies turn a deep, crystalline blue. And while some folks prepare for Halloween and Thanksgiving, Gonzaga Law students have been competing in the Annual Negotiation Competition. Sponsored by the ABA, the Negotiation Competition features teams of two law students, acting as lawyers, who attempt to negotiate a series of legal problems.

Local attorneys volunteer to judge the Gonzaga match-ups and though the competition was incredibly close, they were able to determine a champion: 1L Accelerated students Jack Mosby and Nathan McKorkle are this year’s winners! There are two runner-up teams: 2Ls Adam Kitz and Hannah Raab as well as 1Ls Nathan Umbriano and Hayden Sebald. Mosby and McKorkle will head to the regional competition in November.